project สุขภาพ

One meal and new life of people living in public areas (PLPA)

To deliver a meal to PLPA is enhancing human dignity and giving them a chance to start a new life.

ระยะเวลาโครงการ 6 months พื้นที่ดำเนินโครงการ กรุงเทพ


0 บาท


36,000 บาท
ดำเนินการไปแล้ว 0%
จำนวนผู้บริจาค 0


ที่มา/ความสำคัญโครงการ :

Even though PLPA get food from a trash can; do not have an opportunity in their lives and a place to live; suffer from a mental illness and disabilities, they certainly have the same human dignity to breathe, eat, sleep and get medicine like all of us.

Nowadays, a number of PLPA in Thailand, especially Bangkok and big cities, are likely to increase more and more. In the area of Sanam Luang, there are a lot of reasons why people became PLPA:
-The structure of a family is so fragile. For example, they were not accepted by members within their families; did not have time for each other; were pushed out of their families; and etc.
-They did not have jobs or were swindled by their supervisors (mostly security guard and labor)
-They had been released from a prison and could not find a secure job
-They suffered from mental illness, as they were being pushed out
-Some of them, including people suffering from alcoholism, were willing to become PLPA, as they wanted to be independent.



As the Issarachon Foundation wants to help PLPA to get human dignity back and have better lives, we will use a mobile car to deliver social welfare service in order to take care PLPA in Sanam Luang, Klong Lord, and Ratchadamnern on Tuesday and Friday from 13:00 - 18:00. We tend to introduce some necessary and professional skills for life, HIV prevention, and health care and try to send them back to their homes.
We want them to get healthy food at least one meal per day, week, or month instead of getting food from a trash can or food waste from restaurants.
We also want to give PLPA confidence, making sure that they can go back to a society and start a new life such as starting a new job or making any change. Our fieldworks will be focused not only on collecting personal data but also providing an opportunity for volunteers to understand PLPA through working.


ประโยชน์ของโครงการ :


- Encourage PLPA to think back to their hometowns
- Encourage people to think about sharing and open an opportunity for every segment in a society to work as a volunteer in order to improve lives of PLPA
-As people understand the quality of life of PLPA, they tend to seriously think about themselves and take care members of their families
- Create networks for helping PLPA
-We want PLPA to receive social welfare as human being and medical treatment without prejudice
-We want people to have positive attitudes on PLPA and take care members of their families rather than let them live on the street.

กิจกรรมที่จะดำเนินโครงการ :


- Deliver a mobile – social welfare service – car on Tuesday and Friday from 13.00 PM – 18.00 PM
- Give PLPA advice and first aid
- Deliver four requisites such as basic medicine, food, water, used apparels
- Deliver a healthy meal to PLPA, through a rice saving activity
- Deliver a survival bag to PLPA on Friday from18.00 – 23.00. This survival bag consists drying food, medicine, apparel, and consumer goods that they can use. In addition, this process is also the first step for us to know, talk, advise, and then send PLPA back to a society
-With support from the Ban Mit Mitree, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, we try to help PLPA to get a job and an ID card. As we believe that humans have a family, and a family is also the best place for caring and living, we make sure that PLPA have common understanding with their families before they return to their homes.

For more information, please visit:

สมาชิกภายในทีม :

Natee Sawaree is the secretary of the Issarachon Foundation and head of fieldwork and also responsible for social welfare service operation.
Vilaipan Laungya is the vice president of the Issarachon Foundation and responsible for public relations.
Som is a volunteer
Adchaja Udomsilp is a coordinator
Noi is a volunteer, who received support from the foundation and has dedicated herself, helping other people.


ภาคี :

Ban Mit Mitree, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security



* In order to cover the expense in system management, financial transaction and project evaluation, Taejai charges 10% of the fund to effectively make sure the donation is implemented as the goal refers.



ListsCost / UnitdaysTotal (baht)
Food from a rice saving for friends in a park acitvity
 (Can serve 10 people per day)


Equipment in a survival bag such as medicine, dying food, apparels, and consumer goods for our fieldworks5004824,000
Total  36,000