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Share books to prisons


project succeeded


24 ม.ค. 2558 - 15 เม.ย. 2558



เป้าหมาย SDGs


Because prisoners cannot buy a book by themselves, we will be a postman/woman to deliver books to 8 prisons. Our inspiration come form seeing many prisoners who like reading a book but do not have a new and variety of book to read. 


ที่มา/ความสำคัญโครงการ :

In mid 2556, our friends did an activity with female prisoners and saw a library was very deteriorated. Most books were very old and related to retribution, and some popular books were not in good shapes to read. One female prisoner also said: “I read every book here and have nothing left to read.”    
With this circumstance, we got an idea to send books to prisons to create a lively library. After we started gathering used books from our friends on Facebook “books4prisoners”, focusing on good quality, various, and relaxing books, we have received very good feedbacks – as people wanted to open a new world to prisoners through an alphabet and imagination. 
 Openbook on ThaiPBS TV (4.00 - 12.20 on clip)

Memos from prisoners

ประโยชน์ของโครงการ :

-Create more learning channels to prisoners and encourage them to spend more time on self-empowerment.
-Encourage people to do something for other.

กิจกรรมที่จะดำเนินโครงการ :

1.Buy new books, equipment, and film media (no one donated) to 8 prisons 
1.1General books
-Youth adult fiction, classics, contemporary, and literary translation   20%
-Short story and poem   20%
-Contemporary knowledge and non fiction (biography)   20% 
-Craftsmanship and art works   20%
-Healthy Manual  20%
1.2Books for prisoners in each zone
- Sewing book manual for a handmade book group   25%
- Crochet manual for a handicraft group 25%
- Healthy food manual for a cooking group 25%
- Yoga manual for a yoga group  25%
-We will directly buy a book from a publisher or at a sale event
-A portion of genres of books that we buy with money from Taejai will be changed upon book donation. At the same time, we will also receive books through donation. Look at the detail at Share Books to Prison.
-We also receive books through donation through Share Books to Prison to add more books in the library.
Portions of books from donation in 2557
2.Organize activities to follow and evaluate 
Our staff will follow how prisoners read in prison such as what genres of books they like or do not like, a tendency of prisoners to use a library, a exchange of ideas derived from reading books among prisoners, and how they transfer things from reading to writing to develop the programme in the future and report to a supporter.    
This activity will take place at 1-2 small prisons where prisoner can access to a library in the first 6 months (in a process of coordinating for a venue)

สมาชิกภายในทีม :

ONCE Studio : Creative media and project for me and you and everyone we know.
Email: once.a.studio@gmail.com
Napa Thamsongsana is a graphic designer, interested in rehabilitation. I haved worked with female prisoners since 2553 because I believe that it is a wonderful thing to learn and grow forever. Nalin Romesilpsupa is a freelance designer, interested in learning through an alphabet and believing that a book is good for life  
Unchana Nonpittaya is a former marketer, interested in product design and often loving to do something fun for other and myself. 
Contact and follow us at 
1.Buy new books, equipment, and movie media to 8 prisons (5,000 Baht for each)


2. Delivery cost and packaging to 8 prisons (2,875 Baht for each)23,000
3. Taejai’s Fee 10%7,000







      รายการจำนวนจำนวนเงิน (บาท)
      ค่าสนับสนุนเทใจ (10%)0.00


      เทใจ - TaejaiDotCom

      เทใจ - TaejaiDotCom


      เทใจดอทคอม เริ่มต้นจากความต้องการช่วยเหลือกลุ่มคนที่อยากทำเรื่องดีๆ เพื่อสังคม เทใจเป็นโครงการภายใต้มูลนิธิบูรณะชนบทแห่งประเทศไทยในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์ โดยมีมูลนิธิเพื่อ “คนไทย” และ สถาบัน ChangeFusion ร่วมกันสร้างพื้นที่กลางนี้ขึ้นมา เราอยากให้เทใจเป็นพื้นที่สำหรับคนที่ต้องการสร้างความเปลี่ยนแปลงในสังคม และให้สมาชิกของเทใจสามารถมีส่วนร่วมติดตามผลการดำเนินโครงการที่ตนบริจาคได้



