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Looking back and forward for clear eyes of the elderly


project succeeded


29 มี.ค. 2556 - 11 เม.ย. 2556



เป้าหมาย SDGs


lTo increase loveliness in the activity “รดน้ำดำหัว” to be more special through the tradition “the Day of Gratitude”, we intend to do fundraising to give eyeglasses to the elderly in a village so that they can enjoy lives and clearly see their grandchildren’s faces.


ที่มา/ความสำคัญโครงการ :

We call activities on the Day of Older Persons in Thailand "ป๋าเวณีปี๋ใหม่เมือง" but in the past we did show how much we loved the elderly by giving gifts to them through drawing lots to make the activity fancier. With this way, the elderly were quite happy and waiting for this day. However, we see problems in different aspects. 

  • Some of older persons did not get useful gifts
  • The activity that made people felt happy in the past could not motivate people in a younger generation to follow as they have increasingly ignored this activity. 

In this year, we create new alternative solutions to make the day that the elderly are waiting to be the day for people in every generation, and the elderly will get useful gifts for their daily lives.



Our challenges

  • How do you give useful gifts to the elderly?
  • In Thailand, there are so many elderly populations who have problems with their eyesight in their daily lives. 
  • A budget of each village for the elderly is not enough to organize new activities.
  • Previous activities were fit for people in previous generations but do not
    inspire young people to follow.

With strong collaborations, we hope a fundraising activity that we’re creating will bring benefits in an individual and collective level. 


ประโยชน์ของโครงการ :

Looking back

  • The elderly can illustrate their knowledge, experiences, and capacities.

Looking forward

  • To directly preserve local tradition from each elderly’s narratives
  • The wisdom of older generations affected to problems in a community in the past, and we can apply that lesson to the presence and future. (Each community must analyze its own problems)
  • A fundraising online platform is a new thing for villagers which will create a paradigm shift for people in terms of problem solving.
  • To connect people in different generations through activities and continue
  • To modernize this concept in the future; and build sustainability by
    preserving the traditional practice to solve problems in a community.
For clear eyes of the elderly
  • To solve a mental problem: to reduce annoytivity
  • To build a physical capacity in order to empower the elderly enjoy their daily


กิจกรรมที่จะดำเนินโครงการ :

  • To survey any older people’s associations in villages where people are older than 60 and have a problem about optical clarity. With a primary survey, people suffered optical clarity because they did not have eyeglasses or their eyeglasses needed to be replaced with a new one. And with knowledge from the elderly, we also plan to organize a small exhibition to create unity and heedfulness.
  • To engage fundraising by urging local people to implement their own strategies such as word of mouth, social network, and seeking online sources of fundraising (people in every generation can engage)
  • To provide a visual acuity test with a computer system in an optical store in a village (300 baths/person * 74 persons = 22,200 baths).
  • To give eyeglasses to people who suffer presbyopia on April 13 2013 at a village hall alongside the tradition of “The Day of Gratitude”.
  •  Activity “ป๋าเวณีปี๋ใหม่เมือง” หรือ “ประเพณีวันกตัญญู”  
  1. To organization an exhibition “The Elderly’s Knowledge in a Village” (A new activity)
  2. A offspring shows respect to village leaders and the elderly by giving Thai traditional perfume and drawing lots.
  3. To give eyeglasses to the elderly listed in the survey and other gifts in case they already have eyeglasses. (A new activity)
  4. The elderly wish to offsprings
  5. To organize Thai tradtional dancing as a contemporary activity to create more excitement and unity becuase it requires a rehearsal. (A new activity)
  6. To sing, dance, and have fun



Activities that we’re creating will affect:

  • Eyeglasses is very uesful for the elderly
  • A fundrasing activity will directly earn not only money from patrons, not using money from a village budget, but also create unity through working together to succeed goals rather than waiting supports from other organizations. 
  • A fundrasing activity can encourage people in different generations to get involved, and everyone can use his or her own skill to participate
  • An exhibition will build a common ground for people in different generations in a village. People in in a younger generation can participate; realize real values; and can take any advises to solve problems in their lives, and that will keep this tradition going.

We believe what we try to urge people to realize the values that they forgot will build sustainability in every aspect in a community and be a role model for other communities to follow. Moreover, people in this generation will keep preserving and modernizing. 



To follow this project

สมาชิกภายในทีม :

  1. Somkiat Kumboonsong Por Luang Ad (a word calling a leader in a village in the north of Thailad): former a civil servant who resigned to work as a farmer and also engage enviromental issues. Today, he’s working as a leader of the village, Ban Pa Tan Klang.
  2. Vai Ta-Panya: Governing Assistant
  3. Chit Wannasorn: Governing Assistant
  4. Sirichoke Laruke: Security Assistant 
  5. Wichuida Suriya: Co-founder of “Social Innovation Wisdom”, selected as a freshy team from the competition “Top Business online” to open a booth at “Thailand Online Expo 2013” on April 28 2013. The objective of this event is creating a innovation knowledge community in every field. In addition, this community is also a centre of a marketing channel of knowledge. (Reference : thumbsup.in.th/2013/02/final-round-thailand-online-expo-2013/) 

E-mail : joojubes_ct@hotmail.com
Facebook : www.facebook.com/witchuda.suriya
Fanpage : www.facebook.com/pages/socialwisdom

ภาคี :

Tum Bon Pai Tan Hospital

Listscost / UnitNo.Total(baht)
eyeglasses for myopia and presbyopia 300


Proccedure 2220 2220







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      ค่าสนับสนุนเทใจ (10%)0.00


      เทใจ - TaejaiDotCom

      เทใจ - TaejaiDotCom


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