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Hippotherapy for an autistic kid


project succeeded


29 พ.ค. 2556 - 29 ก.ค. 2556



เป้าหมาย SDGs


Hippotherapy can motivate the physical and emotional development of an autistic kid by riding a horse.


ที่มา/ความสำคัญโครงการ :


An autistic kid usually has a problem about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) in a daily life and interaction with other people. However, there are a lot of rooms for them to be improved. Some countries have used a horse – more than hundreds years ago - to treat an autistic kid in order to improve the condition by riding a horse and doing various activities on a horse’s back. As a horse has a similar walking step like a human, there are a lot of benefits for an autistic kid. Firstly, when autistic kids sit on a horse’s back, somehow they can practice walking by themselves. Secondly, doing something – activities - on a horse’s back also helps autistic children in terms of rehabilitation. And thirdly, autistic children can also learn on how to control their emotions as a horse can communicate to a raider.


Sarayut Kaikan, a horse instructor and owner of a small farm in Lopburi, has opened this course since he realized that a horse could effectively treat an autistic kid. Firstly, an autistic kid will be trained to be familiar with a horse such as calling its names, approaching, touching and feeding foods to a horse. Secondly, an autistic kid will learn how to sit properly on a horse’s back. In the second step, the kids must have a high concentration in order to control themselves - because basically people are all scared a horse, and that is why they need to learn how to sit carefully. After that stage, a brain will motivate muscles working to decrease its stretchiness. And when a horse moves, the kids tend to be alert and have a concentration to orderly balance their bodies. The more they practice like this, the longer they have a concentration. In addition, children will also be motivated to talk effectively by commanding a horse, and every step of training will be fully focused by an expert.


Even thought this kind of treatment will not perfectly heal autistic children, it will help children to have equilibrium; reduce aggressiveness; enhance mental and physical development; have a capacity in terms of problem solving; and better live in a society. 

ประโยชน์ของโครงการ :

1.An autistic kid will be motivated in terms of physical development by using muscle
2.An autistic kid will be motivated in terms of intelligence by meditation practice and decision-making.
3.An autistic kid will be motivated in terms of mentality and emotion
4.An autistic kid can show his/her special ability through riding a horse to earn more recognitions from a society

กิจกรรมที่จะดำเนินโครงการ :

An autistic kid can be continuously motivated by training to ride a horse once a week in eight consecutive weeks at the Special Education Center of Lopburi, the sixth district.

สมาชิกภายในทีม :

1. Kru Tae (ศราวุธ ค้าขาย) got a Bachelor’s Degree in marine science from Rajamangala University of Technology. He worked as a scientist at the Scientific Institute, Burapa University and before changed his career to become a horse instructor, owning a small farm in Lopburi. As he had realized Hipptherapy that could treat an autistic kid, he studied further about this specific area and discovered that an autistic kid who has been treated with Hippotherapy had a better condition.  
2. Kru Ben (มุทิตา ค้าขาย) got a Bachelor’s Degree in social development at Khon Kean University.
3. Kru Ood is a recreationist and caretaker
4. Kru Golf is an assistant teacher of autistic children and has expertise on horse riding
5. Kru Big is an assistant teacher of autistic children and has expertise on horse riding


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เพิ่มการสื่อสาร คืนสู่สังคม"

ภาคี :

The Special Education Center of Lopburi, the sixth district.




* In order to cover the expense in system management, financial transaction and project evaluation, Taejai charges 10% of the fund to effectively make sure the donation is implemented as the goal refers.

รายการราคา / วันจำนวนราคารวม (บาท)

8 วัน

เบี้ยเลี้ยง/ค่าอาหารเจ้าหน้าที่15008 วัน12000
รวม  22000


ListsPrice / DayTotal (Baht)
Allowance and Foods150012000







      รายการจำนวนจำนวนเงิน (บาท)
      ค่าสนับสนุนเทใจ (10%)0.00


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