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Build a museum for cultural learning in the Ming-Muang market community


project succeeded


16 ธ.ค. 2556 - 31 มี.ค. 2557



เป้าหมาย SDGs


To preserve the Lanna architecture and values of relation among local people at Ba-Kao for new generations and foreigners to learn its folkway and culture.


ที่มา/ความสำคัญโครงการ :

Today, old architecture has been culturally deteriorated in terms of its values, and social relations have changed, as many things tend to follow globalization. 

“Villagers in this community have a generous mind and are waiting to manage and own any project related to their community heritage conservation.”
This is what we, Kon Jai Ban, found while collecting information in the community. This feeling made us believed to do a pilot project which local people can collaborate and own Ming Meung Market or Kard Som Pete, a ancient wooden hall market surrounded by 60 – 70 years old, two floors, wooden houses. In addition, this project has earned a lot of support from villagers to display their own antique products for younger generations and foreign tourists to understand their values. This project is meant to encourage people to understand and adapt the concept of sustainable tourism, as many businesses went to a negative direction.  

ประโยชน์ของโครงการ :


1.Revitalize the values of this community in terms of historical community, society, folkway, and architecture and develop area as a museum by a process of people’s participation.
2.Create a process of co-working among university, public and private sector, community, temple, merchant, and the owner of the market. 
3.Create public space for children in this community to do a cultural activity.

กิจกรรมที่จะดำเนินโครงการ :

Upon these three activities, we, students studying at architecture, Chiang Mai University, and other local universities will organize a workshop for merchants, the owners of this market, teenagers, and villagers.

1.Jointly collect information among our team, young generations, and local people
2.Organize an exhibition to illustrate local history and values of the market
3.Make a model for buildings

 A wooden old house behind the market has been renovating to become a museum for cultural learning in Ming Muen Market.
Our experience:
We have organized this activity for several communities such as 8 communities the in Lim Klong community (supported by the Community Organizations Development Institute (CODI)), Nimmanahaeminda community (supported by Chiang Mai University), Wat Peuk Tam community, Muen Meung Temple community (supported by the Ban Wing Chiang Mai), railway community (supported by the salum network 4 regions), Tambon Ma Tha, Ma On, Chaing Mai (supported by CODI), and Local Library Chiang Mai. 
These are five steps:
1.Have a meeting with a community leader and people interested in restoration and area development to set an agenda
2.When we have the same agenda, we collectively plan on working, resource management, and possibility to work with other people
3.Write a proposal to raise fund from any organization 
4.Start a pilot project that community and a project leader can work together.
5.Evaluate and plan for next levels
* Except the area in Nimmanahaeminda, in an ongoing process, 6 communities have benefited and created a network of volunteers.
1.The museum will be a centre of this community where people can have dialogue to develop this area in the future.
2.The museum will be a learning centre for young generations and international tourists.
3.People realize values of their heritage and start working together.
4.College students joining this project will benefit from fieldwork.
5.There will be a tourist spot that is proper and designed by local people.

สมาชิกภายในทีม :


Mart/SAMART SUWANNARAT S is the fund secretary at Wieng Chaing Mai, Kon Jai Ban coordinator, and researcher at the Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University. He was a member of an old town renovation team in Chiang Mai, collaborating with Ban the Feum Ban Wieng Chiang Mai in 2011. In addition, he is an expert in history and people’s participation.
Email samart77@gmail.com/ 089-9809434
OHR / PRAEWPORN SUKHISATHIAN is the manager of Feum Ban Weing Chiang Mai Project year 2 (2012-2013) and expert in people’s participation on designing and renovation. He also got a master’s degree from Arsom Silp Institute and was part on the Jantarasompon River reviving project. 
TAM / SALIDA NIPARUK is the committee owner at the Ming Meung market and former professor at a science department, Chiang Mai University. She is also a market representative for restoration and developing it into sustainable tourism.
A / KORAWAN SANGKHAKORN is an expert at the Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University, and interested in tourism, community-based tourism, and creative community.

ภาคี :


1.Chiang Mai City Arts & Cultural Centre    Prapokklao Rd. Sriphum Muang  50200   Tel./Fax. 053-217793 
2.Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University 239 Huay Kaew Rd. Suthep Muang Chaingmai 50200   Tel. 053-942582 
* In order to cover the expense in system management, financial transaction and project evaluation, Taejai charges 10% of the fund to effectively make sure the donation is implemented as the goal refers.
ListsNo.Total (Baht)
1. Material (model of market ang building)


2. Wooden table (4 legs)12,500
3. Exhibition boards6 (1,500/piece)9,000
4. Information for the exhibition 2,000
5. Printing14,500
Total 30,000







      รายการจำนวนจำนวนเงิน (บาท)
      ค่าสนับสนุนเทใจ (10%)0.00


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