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Bicycle for Students in Nan


project succeeded


9 ต.ค. 2558 - 2 ม.ค. 2559



เป้าหมาย SDGs


To deliver bicycles as National Children's Day presents to students living in Nan's rural highlands so they do not have to walk to school.


ที่มา/ความสำคัญโครงการ :

It has been more than 6 years that Issarachon Foundation, a private non-profit organization, has traveled to organize activities with students of the ethnic tribes in rural highlands of Nan. These activities include engaging students in recreational activities, developing their skills, and providing necessary educational supplies. Since the beginning of this year, the foundation has realized that there is one more thing these students need, which are vehicles to go to school. 
Every day, many of these students need to walk on their feet through hilly paths for more than 3 kilometers to attend school on time. On rainy days, the paths become muddy, and they need to toil through these muddy paths which prolong their commute to school, or have no choice but to skip school altogether. 
Although education is worth the long walking journey, it would be much better if someone can give them the better option! 
The Issarachon Foundation has thus collaborated with Nan Provincial Administrative Organization and Chondan Subdistrict Administration Organization to initiate "Bicycle for Students in Nan" project to deliver bicycles to the elementary school students of the ethnic tribes living in the rural highlands of Nan. Nan Provincial Administrative Organization and Chondan Subdistrict Administration Organization will select the schools and students with outstanding educational performance to be awarded these bicycles on National Children's day in 2016.  

Learn more about Issarachon Foundation at http://issarachon.org or check out photos of activities from previous years, or ask for more information at  www.facebook.com/issarachonfound

ประโยชน์ของโครงการ :

1. To enable students from the ethnic tribes in highlands to have access to traveling facility and have a better quality of life. 
2. To promote education for disadvantaged students from the ethnic tribes in rural highlands. 

กิจกรรมที่จะดำเนินโครงการ :

The Issarachon Foundation will collect the donation to purchase 30 bicycles, each 1,300 Baht, and present to the schools and disadvantaged students with outstanding educational performance selected by Nan Provincial Administrative Organization and Chondan Subdistrict Administration Organization as presents on National Children's Day which is Saturday 9 January 2016.

สมาชิกภายในทีม :

Mr. Natee Saravari: Secretary general of Issarachon Foundation, manages and administers projects of  Issarachon Foundation 
Facebook:  NateeIssarachonSaravari Email: expo22513@gmail.com
Ms. Adchara Saravari: Social worker, fundraising department and director of Suesansangsuk Project   
Facebook: Adchara Jasmin Saravari Email: jasminjaja5@gmail.com 
Tel : +66 (0) 86 687 0902
Ms. Korakod Intayak: Volunteer of Issarachon Foundation  
Facebook: KorakodIssarachonIntayak
Tel : +66 (0) 91 256 5293
Translated By Sirin Rinny Rin





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