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1 care 1 share for the new life of homeless people



project succeeded


18 ก.พ. 2559 - 14 มิ.ย. 2559



เป้าหมาย SDGs


“This project is form by the Non-Profit-Organization in Thailand; it is to give a chance for people to participate on helping, sharing and take care of homeless people in the public place. There are many homeless people in Bangkok that affected from the changing of social which made them loss many opportunies, and inaccessible of getting the benefits or welfare from the government. Accordingly we form this project to help them by open the fund in 365 baht (1 baht from every day of you) and we aim to have 500 fund. The fund will be dividing to help them on food, medical care, and traveling expense to send them back to their hometown. Because we don’t know what will happen to them, some might get kill, some might get loss, and some might leave to die but we can share and help so let’s do something to help them, to help the homeless people by your hand”. http://www.issarachon.org


ที่มา/ความสำคัญโครงการ :

Issarachon foundation has made a survey on take care of homeless people in Bangkok from 4 PM – 9 PM which have Klong-Lord, Royal Plaza, and Ratchadamnoen road are the area concerned. On the other hand we also provide the basic needs for them that include food, medicine, clothes, and shelter, even the primary need that urgent:
-Send them back home; we will send the homeless people back home but we have to talk with them and their family first before decide to send them back, and make sure that they are willing to go back and not come out to live like this again. We also contact the organization in area of their hometown to help them find a job and deal with the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security to help them on access of the benefits and welfare from government that they must get.
-Medical care; we also carries mosquito repellent, paracetamol, painkiller to help some people that has a few sick, but for whom that has a hard one we will give them first aid before send them to the hospital.
-Feeding; we have a sub project on give a meal to homeless people every day which it cost only 25 baht per person. Furthermore in every month we will have a big meal for them and it has 
participants around 300-500 person but this depends on the budget we have in each month. And evening that we go in area concerned, we will feed for whom that didn’t have a meal for many days, at least 10 people per day.
-Sharing; every day that we go in area concerned, the volunteers who join us can have a talk with the homeless people, both can share the point of view so they can understand each other.
-Give them a job; we will focus and help them on improving the skills that can be develop to use to get a job. On this point, the organization or agency that have a responsible for this issue will come to help us to make sure that the homeless people get a job which fix with their skills
-Give identity card; the identity card is the most concern that we have to do it in an urgent because most of them don’t have it. When something happened, we can’t do anything much because we don’t have the evidence to show who is he/she.

-Preliminary welfare; we will give them the preliminary welfare in each area that we mentioned above before we go into another processes.

ประโยชน์ของโครงการ :

  1. Homeless people have a good quality of life.
  2. Homeless people have human rights.
  3. Older person in public place have a good quality of life.
  4. Every organizations or agencies take responsible of this issue in long term.
  5. Teenagers improve the skill of volunteer and helping other people.

กิจกรรมที่จะดำเนินโครงการ :

We would like to invite everyone who interested in this project to join us by make a fund of 365 baht with us, to help the homeless people with food, medicine, and other necessary things that we can give them. Because we will go in area concerned every Friday 4 pm – 9 pm so we can give them this welfare.  

สมาชิกภายในทีม :

Natee Saravari, secretary of Issarachon foundation, planning and managing the foundation. Facebook: Natee Issarachon Saravari E-mail: expo22513@gmail.com
Adchara Saravari, social worker in funding director. Facebook: Adchara Jasmin Saravari    
E-mail: jasminjaja5@gmail.com Tel. 086-6870902
Korakod Intayak, volunteer of Issarachon foundation. Facebook: Korakod Issarachon Intayak Tel. 091-2565293

ภาคี :

Bann Maitree, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security


Translated by Volunteer






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